About the Yarra River Business Association


Since late 1998 the Yarra River Business Association has actively represented the interests of small to medium businesses located on and along the river.

As a result, the Lower Yarra business community has real input to the planning and operational decisions made for the area by the many and various organizations involved with river governance.

The Association operates as one of the eight business precincts funded by the City of Melbourne under the Melbourne Business Precincts Program 2017-2021. The two-way flow of information between the precinct and the Council is one of the most beneficial features of the structure.

The City of Melbourne's annual operating grant is used to operate a professional secretariat and to engage marketing assistance. The grant is augmented by membership fees, association partnerships and sponsorships contributed by local businesses.

YRBA's strategy for the precinct is contained within its Five-Year Strategic Plan, released in August 2021.  Major public consultation for the Strategy occurred at the 15 August 2019 Yarra River 'Big Ideas' Forum and through the 2021 Member & Stakeholder Survey, conducted by Right Angle Studio. An Executive Summary of the report can be read here.

The Rules governing the operation of the Association can be viewed here.

Jeremy Vincent
Arts Consultant
0409 900 807

Con Sarrou  Yarra River Cruises 0419 358 280

Hon. Treasurer
Peter King
Quest Southbank
(03) 9694 5600

Hon. Secretary
Paul Sullivan
Venice on the Yarra
(03) 9399 1991

Executive Members

Andrew Mackey  South Wharf Association Inc.

Fran Hutcheson  ESR/ Southgate

Daniel Manly   HQ Group/ Arbory

Sandi Sieger   Social media consultant

Damien De Groot   Federation Square/ MAP Co

Oliver Swan   GoBoat Melbourne

Executive Officer
Tim Bracher
0412 502931 exoff@yarrariver.melbourne


“ YRBA is one of the City’s longest established and professional business organisations, with a track record of innovation and advocacy on behalf of its constituents. The City values its close association with YRBA, which provides a voice for the business community of Southbank. “  Katrina Mc Kenzie, Director, City of Melbourne

“ South Wharf Association works collaboratively with the Yarra River Business Association to better the business environment of Southbank and South Wharf. The experience and professionalism of YRBA is much valued in marketing the virtues of South Wharf as Melbourne’s heritage tourism and hospitality precinct.”   Andrew Mackey, Hospitality One, President, South Wharf Association Inc.

 “   Parks Victoria and the Yarra River Business Association has commenced a new era in management of the Lower Yarra River as a more business-friendly and activated environment for operators.   We wish to bring the on-water standards up to those of the land-based assets, and YRBA’s help in achieving this will be of great importance. “  Matthew Jackson, Chief Executive Officer, Parks Victoria

