Membership of Yarra River Business Association

Membership of Melbourne City's most dynamic grass-roots business association is a flat rate of $170+gst

Members receive regular newsletters and email bulletins about issues and events on and within the Yarra-Southbank area, access to our social media campaigning, as well as notification of special business marketing opportunities. Member 'get-togethers' (lunches and drinks functions) are held throughout the year to increase information flow and to boost the sense of a business 'community'.

The Association also has a role in marketing the Lower Yarra River as a more integrated tourism and recreation precinct. Close ties with  the Victorian Tourism Industry Council, Parks Victoria, City of Melbourne and Melbourne Visitor Services are valuable alliances.

To download a copy of our 5 year strategic plan, 2021-2026 please view it here, or for the Executive Summary please view here

If you're interested in becoming a Association member, or to receive more information about membership, visit

Join or Renew Today

or please email the Executive Officer at  Telephone 0411 241 184

